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Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA) in Retailing
Course Code : BRL-104
Course Title : Retail Management Perspectives and
Assignment Code : BRL-104/TMA/2022-23


Course Code : BRL-104
Course Title : Retail Management Perspectives and
Assignment Code : BRL-104/TMA/2022-23
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
(A) Short Type Questions
1. Define leadership. What are the functions of leadership? Explain the
different leadership styles.
2. What is service encounter? What are the determinants of employee
behaviour at service encounter?
3. Explain the concept of Transactional analysis and its application to retail
4. What is intercultural sensitivity? Explain the importance of Cross-Cultural
Communication in retailing.
5. How to use e-mail in retail communications? Explain the importance of
technology in improving the effectiveness of communication.
6. What are the benefits of Listening. Discuss the types of listening and poor
listening habits.
7. What is intercultural sensitivity? Discuss the specific characteristics of
high context culture and low context culture?
(B) Essay Type Questions
8. What is non verbal communication? Explain the various types of nonverbal communication process.
9. What is accounting process? Explain the important books and accounts. (15


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