BLIE-226: Management of Library and Information Centre
Course Code: BLIE-226
Course: Management of Library and Information Centre Assignment Code:AST/TMA/ Jul.2024/Jan.2025
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 15 Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions
I) Answer all the questions in not more than 500 words each .( 4X10= 40 Marks)
1. List the general principles of management. Explain how their application leads to
efficiency in working of libraries
2. List elements of HR planning. Explain the need for induction and deployment in libraries. (10)
3. Explain the implications of ICT developments on e-procurement and e-documents. (10)
4. Define ‘TQM’. Discuss its application in library (10)
II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each.(6*5=30Marks)
1. Binding of periodicals (5)
2. Maslow’s Theory of hierarchy of needs (5)
3. Change management process (5)
5. Causes of Disaster (5)
6. Document Selection Principles (5)
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