Coverage: Course Code: BLI-223
Course: Organising and Managing Information Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.2022/Jan.2023
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions.
I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. (4X10=40 Marks)
1. Describe the structure of Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH) giving examples. (10)
2. State the different types of Non-Book Material (NBM). Discuss the
constraints in using them and problems in their cataloguing. (10)
3. Explain the need for notation in library classification. Discuss its qualities. (10)
4. What is a post coordinate indexing system? Discuss its difference with a pre
coordinate indexing systems. (10)
II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. ( 6X5=30 Marks)
1. Explain the features and advantages of OPACs. (5)
2. State the associative relationships in a thesaurus. Illustrate any five such
relationships by giving examples. (5)
3. Enumerate the different types of metadata explaining their purposes. (5)
4. Explain the steps of Chain indexing with an example. (5)
5. Describe the major purpose of standardization in cataloguing. Describe different
sections of ISO 2709 and their features. (5)
6. Explain the Canons of Array with an example.
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