Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: BGYCT-133
Assignment Code: BGYCT-133/TMA/2023
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against
it. Write all answers in your own words; do not copy from the course
Part A
1. Write short notes on the following:
a) Parts of a crystal (5)
b) Development of mineral classification scheme (5)
2. Define symmetry and describe the three elements of symmetry with the help
of suitable diagrams.
3. Discuss the crystallographic axes, symmetry elements and forms of normal
class of hexagonal crystal system with the help of neat well labeled diagrams.
4. Describe the physical properties of minerals belonging to quarts and garnet
groups of minerals giving suitable examples.
5 Describe the physical properties of minerals based on senesces and forces. (10)
Part B
6. Explain the oxidation and supergene enrichment processes of ore formation
giving suitable examples.
7. Write short notes on the following:
a) Optical properties of calcite (5)
b) Isotropic and isotropic minerals (5)
8. Discuss the optical properties of minerals studied under plain polarised light. (10)
9. Describe chief ores, processes of formation and geographical distribution of
manganese ores in India with the help of a neat map.
10. Explain the nature and morphology of ore bodies with the help of neat well
labelled diagrams
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