Course Code: TS-1 Programme: BTS/BATS
Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-1/ TMA/ 2024
Note: This TMA consists of ten questions, out of which you have to attempt any five.
The question carries 20 marks each and should be answered in about 600 words each.
Send your TMA to the coordinator of your Study Centre.
1. Define Tourism. Explain the different forms and types of tourism. 20
2. What are the various types of Accommodation? Is the paying guest accommodation
beneficial for the tourism industry? 20
3. Why there is need for Tourism Policy & Planning in India. 20
4. What are the factors that are identified as obstacles to the development of modern
tourism? 20
5. Write short notes on any two of the following: – 2X10=20
a) Purpose of Tourism
b) Role of Seasonality in Tourism
c) Impact of Tourism on Environment
6. Explain how museums can be a tourist attraction. Support your answer with suitable
examples. 20
7. What are the duties of a Tourist Guide? What are the skills required to be a good tour
guide? 20
8. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2X10=20
a) Silk Route
b) Grand Tour
c) Carrying Capacity
d) Alternative Tourism
9. Explain the role of History in Tourism. Substantiate your answer with the help of suitable
examples. 20
10. What do you understand by Statistics? Discuss the relevance of statistics for planning in
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