Course Code: MZO-005
Assignment Code: MZO-005/TMA/2024
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
1. What are introns and exons? Discuss the evolution of proteins by exon
shuffling with illustrations.
2. Discuss with diagrams the different types of repeat elements present
in eukaryotic genomes.
3. What is genome sequencing? Give an overview of the two broad types
of genome sequencing you have studied.
4. Write short notes:
a) Multiple sequence alignment
5. Outline the basic principles of Northern blotting and GeneCalling. (6+4=10)
6. What is peptide sequencing? Discuss with schematic representation,
Edman degradation method of peptide sequencing. Mention its
advantages and disadvantages.
7. Elaborate the different methods used for ionization of proteins during
mass spectrometry.
8. Write an account on the Human Genome Project, with special
reference to the analysis, recent advances and importance in medical
9. What is meant by gene silencing? Discuss the components of gene
silencing. Write an account of homology-dependent gene silencing.
10. Describe with proper diagrams, the technique of Stable Isotope
Labeling by Amino Acids in Cell Culture (SILAC) and its applications.
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