Social Work in African Context
Course Code: MSWE-010
Total Marks: 100
Note:(i) Answer all the five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii)Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each
1. Explain the role of NGOs and FBOs in the provisions of welfare services. 20
Discuss the types of social welfare practice programme in Africa. 20
2. Describe any six skills required by a community worker for an efficient intervention. 20
What do you understand by community policing? Write about its distinctive features. 20
3. Answer any twoof the following questions in about 300 words each:
a) Briefly explain the ethical principles of NASW Code. 10
b) What are the achievements of the Ethiopian health services extension programme? 10
c) How did the traditional associations emerge in the Ethiopian Community? 10
d) Explain how ASWEA was created in Ethiopia. 10
4. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Write about the relevance of social work values and ethics in social work practice. 5
b) What is the current status of social work profession in Ethiopia? 5
c) Mention any three characteristics of social work research. 5
d) What do you think is the future of social work in Africa? Explain. 5
e) Highlight the phases involved in the case work process. 5
f) Write about the goals and functions of social group work. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Elements of PHC in Ethiopia 4
b) socisl movement 4
c) Detention 4
d) Domestic violence 4
e) Importance of human relationship as a value 4
f) Mahber 4
g) Social insurance 4
h) Field theory
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