
MS-55 2022-23 SOLVED ASS

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Course Code : MS – 55
Course Title : Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Assignment Code : MS-55/TMA/JULY/2022

JAN 2023


Course Code : MS – 55
Course Title : Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Assignment Code : MS-55/TMA/JULY/2022
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre.
Last date of submission for July 2022 session is 31st October, 2022 and for January 2023
session is 30th April, 2023.
1. “Manufacturing and logistics are interrelated so no one can be considered in isolation.”
Comment on the statement.
2. “Integration of supply chain and demand chain can be seen from three angles namely
strategic level, operational level and tactical level,” explain the three levels in details.
3. “The materials requirement planning system is a major element in a manufacturing
company and is also the heart of MRPII (Manufacturing Resource Planning).” Comment on
the statement.
4. What do you understand by Benchmarking? Explain the methodology for Benchmarking.
5. “Demand driven supply networks are supply chains driven by the voice of the
customer.” Explain in view of statement, the concept of demand driven supply networks


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