Course Code : MCO – 01
Course Title : Organisation Theory and Behavior
Assignment Code : MCO – 01 /TMA/2023-24
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions
Q. 1 What are various principles of management? How are modern
organizations different from typical classical organizations, in
terms of practices of various principles of management?
Q. 2 (a)What is effective communication? Discuss the significance of
communication in an organisation?
(b)What do you mean by Organisational Culture? Discuss the
main characteristics of organisational culture?
Q. 3 Comment briefly on the following statements:
a) Positional power is the most powerful power in the
b) Non-financial motivators play a significant role in
c) Stress is both positive and negative.
d) Laissez faire leadership style is just the opposite of
autocratic style.
Q. 4 Difference between the following:
a) Autocratic Style and Democratic Style of leadership
b) Legitimate power and Coercive power
c) Centralization and Decentralization
d) Hygiene factors and Motivators
Q. 5 Write short notes on the following:
a) Factors influencing politics in the organisation
b) Communication Process
c) Dimensions of Organisational Climate
d) Delegation of authority
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