Comparative Ethnography (MANE-003)
Course Code: MANE 003
Assignment Code: MANE 003/AST/TMA/2024-25
Total Marks: 100
Note: There are two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt five questions and at least two questions from
each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks question is 500 words
and for 10 marks question it is 250 words.
1. Define ethnography? Discuss the new trends in ethnography. 20
2. Discuss the interpretative and the feminist approach in writing ethnographies with suitable
examples. 20
3. Deliberate on the concept of kinship as portrayed in the ethnography The Web of Kinship among
the Tallensi. 20
4. Analyse the concepts of class, caste and power as reflected in Andre Beteilli’s work. 20
5. Write short notes: 10+10
a. Ethics in writing
b. Notes on love in a Tamil Family
6. With reference to M.N. Srinivas’s work outline the ritual idiom of the Coorgs. 20
7. Discuss the concept of ‘coming of age’ as portrayed in Margaret Mead’s work. 20
8. Examine Annette. B. Weiner’s work among The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea and how it
had an impact on gender study. 20
9. Discuss the ethnography India’s Changing Villages: Human Factors in Community Development.
10. Write short notes referring to the ethnographies discussed in the course: 10+10
a. T.N. Madan
b. Himalayan Polyandry
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