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Course Code: BZYCT-131
Assignment Code: BZYCT-131/TMA/2023

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Course Code: BZYCT-131
Assignment Code: BZYCT-131/TMA/2023
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
Part-A Maximum Marks: 50
1. Answer the following:
a) What is the difference between dinoflagellates and apicomplexans?
b) List three unique features of Phylum Ciliophora.
c) Which of the following is not true for animals with radial symmetry?
i) Non front and back ends
ii) Are always sessile
iii) No left or right sides
iv) Face the environment from all sides
d) Match the following:
i) frontal plane a) Divides body into left and right
ii) sagittal plane b) Only one imaginary line divides the
body into mirror images
iii) bilateral symmetry c) Cannot be divided into mirror
iv) asymmetrical d) Divides body into dorsal and ventral
2. a) Complete the following sentences inserting appropriate words in blanks:
i) Porifera are ………………. cellular animals incapable of
……………… as they remain to the substratum like a
………………… .
ii) The sponge body is covered by an outer epithelial layer made up of
………………….. .
iii) Sponges with skeleton made up of spicules of calcium carbonate
belong to the class …………………. .
b) Write true (T) or false (F) in the space provided against each statement.
i) Cnidocyte has a hair like cnidocil which acts as a trigger.
ii) Medusae are asexual zooids.
iii) Obelia colony is bimorphic.
iv) Obelia is a fresh water plant like animal found attached to
v) Gonangium is a sexual way of reproduction.
3. Please attempt the following questions:
i) Which of the words given in the parantesis is correct?
Flame cells in platyhelmninthes are ……………….. in function.
ii) Arrange the character most appropriate to the class of Platyhelminthes
against it.
Classes Characters
a) Turbellaria i) Presence of scolex
b) Monogenea ii) Presence of oral and ventral suckers,
but no hooks
c) Trematoda iii) Presence of posterior hooks, suckers,
clamps etc.
d) Cestoda iv) Ciliated epidermal cells covering the
iii) What do you mean by true coelomates? Discuss their advantages.
4. a) Choose the correct word from the alternative given:
i) Trilobites are an extinct group of primitive/advanced arthropods.
ii) Spiders, ticks, mites and scorpions are included under the class
iii) Spinning organs or spinnerets are characterstic of
b) Indicate whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’.
i) There are six pairs of appendages in the head of crustaceans
corresponding to six segments.
ii) Malacostracans account for over 60% of all the crustaceans.
c) Write short notes on:
i) Compound eye of insects
ii) Moulting in insects
5. a) State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:
i) Bivalves have adapted for filter feeding methods.
ii) The blood of cephalopods contains haemocyanin.
iii) Cephalopods have one of the best developed nervous systems
among invertebrates.
iv) Development in bivalves includes trochophore and veliger larvae.
b) Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
i) ……………….. is the only living genus under the subclass
ii) The mantle is innervated by ……………….. ganglia.
iii) The endoskeleton of most echinoderms is formed of ……………. .
iv) In echinoderms the system of coelomic canals and tube feet is
called ………………….., …………………… system.
v) The larval stages of asteroids are ……………… and ………….. .
Part-B Maximum Marks: 50
6. a) Correct the given statements.
i) Presence of cranium and paired appendages is a characteristic
feature of Agnatha.
ii) In jawless fishes heart is a single chambered structure.
iii) Development in hagflshes includes a larval stage called
iv) Special mucous glands are present in Petromyzon.
b) Why do marine teleosts need to drink large amounts of seawater?
c) How do the freshwater teleosts overcome their osmoregulatory
7. i) Describe parental care in amphibians.
ii) Distinguish between anurans and urodeles.
8. a) Describe the distinguishing features of turtles of Order Testudines.
b) How are tuataras different from lizards?
c) Describe two anatomical features of lizards (including legless members)
that distinguish them from snakes.
d) How do crocodiles and alligators differ from each other?
9. i) Where was the Archaeopteryx discovered? Give reasons for the
Archaeopteryx being considered the connecting link between reptiles and
ii) Explain the role of drag and thrust in bird flight.
10. a) State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
i) Elephants are the largest land animals.
ii) Blubber is found in monkeys.
iii) Carnivores are grass eating mammals.
iv) Kangaroos are egg laying mammals.
v) Monotremes are viviparous.
b) Differentiate between Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla.
c) Give one distinguishing morphological feature of each of the following
i) Cingulata
ii) Sirenia
iii) Primat


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