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Course Code: BLIE-228
Course: Information Products and Services
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.2024/Jan.2025



Coverage: Course Code: BLIE-228
Course: Information Products and Services
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul.2024/Jan.2025
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 14 Total Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answers the following questions in 250 words each (3X5= 15 Marks)
1) Define Literature search. Discuss its search technique. (5)
2) What are the characteristics of Current Awareness Services? Describe its types. (5 )
3) Discuss the role of marketing mix in marketing of information product and services in
university libraries (5)
II) Answer the following questions in 150 words each. (5X4= 20 Marks)
1) Write the name of any four information products with example. (4)
2) What are the main points for preparation of trend report? (4)
3) Explain the need for information analysis and consolidation. (4)
4) Discuss the steps involved in planning and preparing a technical digest. (4)
5) Write an essay on the trends in information analysis, repackaging and consolidation. (4)
III) Arrange the following given bibliographical information using the 7th edition of APA
standard. (5X3=15 Marks)

1. Book
Editors Gunilla Widén , José Teixeira
Title Information Literacy and the Digitalisation of the

Name of Publisher Facet Publishing
Place of Publisher United Kingdom
Place of Publication 1st Jun 2023
Dimensions 234mm x 156mm
Edition 1st
2. Government Document
Author National Institute of Mental Health
Year 2024
Title Clinical training in serious mental illness
Document number DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679
Publisher and Place Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
3. Television Broadcast
B M Important (Producer)
The nightly news hour
November 1, 1990
New York, Central Broadcasting Service
4. Online Lecture Notes
Duality in consumer theory [PDF document].
A, Hallam
from Lecture Notes Online Website:

5. Presentation Slides
Federal regulations of chemicals in the environment
K F Roberts
IV) Prepare an indicative abstract of the below mentioned text in not more than 50 words.
(5 Marks).
National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes Education for the disadvantaged which includes Socioeconomically
Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs) broadly categorized based on gender identities, sociocultural identities, geographical
identities, disabilities (including learning disabilities), and socioeconomic conditions. Education is a great leveler and
is the best tool for achieving economic and social mobility, inclusion, and equality for becoming a constructive and
productive citizen of the country. NEP, 2020 recommends Quality Universities and Colleges, a New and Forward
looking Vision for India’s Higher Education System suggesting increased access, equity, and inclusion through a
range of measures, Greater opportunities for outstanding public education, Scholarships by private/philanthropic
universities for disadvantaged and underprivileged students, Extensive use of Online education, and Open Distance
Learning (ODL) systems, Ensuring all infrastructure and learning materials accessible and available to learners with
disabilities. It also emphasized that all communities and educational institutions – schools, colleges, universities, and
public libraries be strengthened and modernized to cater to the needs and interests of all students, including students
with disabilities.
V) Prepare newspaper clipping service. Select any one newspaper and browse the newspaper for the last
seven days or any 7 consecutive days. (3X5=15 Marks)
Select the news items covering the themes such as:
1. Viksit Bharat @ 2047
2. Indian Election 2024
3. India’s GDP


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