Course Code: BGYCT-131
Assignment Code: BGYCT-131/TMA/2023
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against
it. Write all answers in your own words; do not copy from the course
Part A
1. Write short notes on the following:
a) Applied and allied branches of geology (5)
b) Formation of the solar system (5)
2. Give an account of the layering and composition of the Earth. (10)
3. Explain depositional landforms resulting from aeolian activities with the help
of neat well labelled diagrams.
4. What is weathering? Describe its types and he factors affecting weathering. (10)
5 Describe various types and stages of rivers with the help of neat diagrams. (10)
Part B
6. Describe elements of a fold. Also discuss classification of folds based on their
special properties giving neat well labelled diagrams.
7. Differentiate the following :
a) Contraction and expansion hypotheses of mountain building (5)
b) Measurement of strike and dip of an inclines bed (5)
8. What is a joint? Explain genetic classification of joints giving suitable diagrams. (10)
9. Give an account of classification of mountains with the help of suitable
10. Write short notes on the following:
a) Criteria for recognition of faults in field (5)
b) Principles of plate tectonics
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