BEGC 132
Selections from Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity
Programme: BA Gen (BAG)
Course Code: BEGC 132
Max: 100 marks
This assignment is divided into three sections, A, B and C.
Attempt ALL questions.
Section A
Explain the following with reference to the context:
1. Long as tresses the night of parting,
The day of love is short as life,
If I see not my love, O friend,
How can I spend dark nights of grief? 10
2. Give me, a quill, quickly
She must be looking for me
The reed cut off its hand
Gave it to me and said
Take it
I too am her servant. 10
3. Once she leaves home, it will be for ever.
When some day in distant parts she dwells
Where what the people be like! I know not,
Will they awaken her on gentle, mellow sounds? 10
4. Her dream, like the dreams of a dozen other women.
But she woke up before the dream began.
And then she never fell asleep again. 10
Section B
Write short notes on the following:
5. Single Indian literary culture amongst several languages. 10
6. Hindi/Hindavi. 10
Section C
7. How do Dalit narratives tell the stories of an entire community? Elaborate. 20
8. What do women’s texts say about a woman’s life? Illustrate. 20
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