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Course Code: BBYCT-135
Assignment Code: BBYCT-135/TMA/2024


Course Code: BBYCT-135
Assignment Code: BBYCT-135/TMA/2024
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
1. Write short notes on the following:
i) Plasmodesmata
ii) Plastochron
iii) Statolith
iv) Velamen
v) Mycorrhiza
vi) Phylloclade
vii) Dendroclimatology
viii) Tylosis
ix) Cystolith
x) Resurrection plants
2. a) Enlist main characteristics of meristematic tissues.
b) Classify meristems into different types on the basis of the plane of
division and function in the plant body.
3. Describe in brief the shoot and root apical organization according to
Histogen theory.
4. a) Enlist anatomical characteristics that distinguish a primary root of a
seed plant.
b) With the help of a well labeled diagram compare the internal tissue
organization of a primary dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous root.
5. a) With the help of well labeled diagram describe the structure of a
b) Describe the functions of stomata. Classify the stomata on the basis of
ontogeny and morphology.
6. What are Trichomes? Describe different types of Trichomes and their role in
defense of plants.
7. With the help of well labeled diagram describe the ABC Model of Flower
8. What is Apomixis? Describe the sporophytic and gametophytic apoxixis. (10


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