Course Code: BBYCT-133
Assignment Code: BBYCT-133/TMA/2024
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated
against it.
1. a) Describe the numerical and structural attributes of population.
b) Discuss the interactions in a community.
2. a) Discuss the origin and formation of soil.
b) What are the factors affecting soil formation?
3. Discuss the different factors affecting distribution of insolation. (10)
4. Discuss the adaptations in aquatic plants. (10)
5. a) Discuss the succession in oak forest.
b) Describe the stages in a hydrosere.
6. Write a note on taxonomic evidence from phytochemistry. (10)
7. a) Discuss the salient features of structure of taxonomic hierarchy.
b) Write a note on the properties of hierarchical system.
8. a) What are the salient features of preamble of ICN?
b) What are holotype and neotype?
9. Write short notes on:
i) Apomorphic and Plesiomorphic Characters
ii) Biodiversity hotspot areas in India
iii) Double channel energy flow model
iv) Carbon cycle
10. Discuss the analytical characters of a plant community
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