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Course Code: ANC-1
Assignment Code: ANC-1/AST-1/TMA-1 /22
For July 2023 session last date of Submission: 30th April, 2024
For January 2024 session last date of Submission: 30th October, 2024


Course Code: ANC-1
Assignment Code: ANC-1/AST-1/TMA-1 /22
For July 2023 session last date of Submission: 30th April, 2024
For January 2024 session last date of Submission: 30th October, 2024
Maximum Marks: 100
Section A – Descriptive Type Questions (40 marks)
There are ten short questions in this part. Answer all questions.
1. a) Briefly describe the functions of food in our body, giving appropriate examples.
b) Give the food sources and functions of the following nutrients in our body : (1 + 1 )
(i) Proteins
(ii) Fats
2. Explain the concept of Recommended Dietary Allowances and its significance in planning balanced
diets. (3)
3. a) List the factors affecting meal planning. Explain briefly the role of any one factor in meal planning.
b). What specific considerations should the mother of a preschool child remember while planning
meals for her child? (2)

4. Which nutrients are of particular importance, other than energy and protein, in the diet of the
following and why ? (2+2)
(i) Lactating women
(ii) Infants
5. a) Enumerate the dietary principles and dietary modifications you will advocate to obese adult
women. (2)
b) Elaborate the measures you would adopt to prevent Vitamin A deficiency in a community. (2)

6. a) Briefly explain any one method and the principles involved in preservation of food at the home
b) List the points you would keep in mind while selecting milk and milk products. (2)
7. a)Describe the key services provided to pregnant and nursing women under the ICDS programme. (2)
b) Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) is a useful indicator for assessment of nutritional status.
Justify the statement highlighting the cut-offs you will use to categorize children into different grades
of malnutrition. (2)
8. As a food service manager, what points would you keep in mind regarding the following ?
(a) Deciding on the menu (2×2)
(b) Purchasing equipment
9. a) Enlist the factors influencing food budget. (2)
b) Discuss the following methods to enhance the nutritive value of foods, giving examples :
(i) Fermentation
(ii) Food combinations (1 + 1 )
10. Why is menu a very important focal point for all activities in a food service unit ? Explain giving
examples. Briefly discuss the role of cycle menu in food service unit. (4)
Section B – Practical Activities (40 marks)
There are four exercises in this section. These exercises are based on Practical Manual 1& 2.
Answer all four.
1. Do you include sprouted or fermented foods in your diet? Describe one sprouted and one
fermented dish commonly consumed in your region? (Refer to Activity 3 of Pactical Manual
2. Identify any two families .in your neighborhood, one belonging to the low income group (Family A)
and the other to the high income group (Family B). Conduct a diet survey (preferably for two to three
days) to find out the food purchases of these two families. Note the expenditure on different food
items as indicated in the following table and evaluate what percentage of the total income (of the two
families) is spent on food expenditure? (Refer to Activity 2 of Practical Manual -2) (10)
Food Group Food Items Amount Spent
(Family A)
Amount Spent
(Family B)

3. St. Marry’s School has decided to supply nutritious mid-day snacks to its students on reasonable rates.
There are 100 children in the school between the age of 3 to 5 years. Give a cycle menu of snacks
which can provide 300 Kcal and 12 gm protein at the rates given by school authorities.Identify the
nutrients provided in each snack. (Refer to Activity-7 of Practical Manual Part-2)
Day Menu Energy Protein Fat Carbohydrate
4. Prepare any two recipes for a pregnant mother. Also describe the following : (Refer to Activity 6 of
Practical Manual -2) (10)
i) Name of the recipe
ii) List of ingredients
iii) Method of preparation
iv) Nutrients provided
Section C- Objective Type Questions (OTQ) (20 marks)
a. Define the following terms: (10)
1. Menarche
2. Dietary Fibre
3. Colostrum
4. Atherosclerosis
5. Food Label
6. Basal Metabolism
7. Essential Amino acid
8. Cretinism
9.Growth Monitoring
10. Saturated Fat
b. Match List I with List II (10)
List I List II
i. Carbohydrates a. Extracellular fluid
ii. Vitamin B12 b. 9 Kcal
iii. Fats c. Goitre
iv. Vitamin B1 d. Cobalamine
v. Sodium e. Marasmus
vi. Moon Face f. 4 Kcal
vii. Potassium g. Rickets
viii. Muscle wasting h. Thiamine
ix. Vitamin D deficiency i. Intracellular fluid
x. IDD j. Kwashiorko


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