Tribes in India (MANE-007)
Course Code: MANE 007
Assignment Code: MANE 007/AST/TMA/July 2024- January 2025
Total Marks: 100
Note: There are two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt five questions at least two questions from each
section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks is 500 words and for 10 marks
question it is 250 words.
11. Define Tribe. Examine the concept of Tribe as per the Indian Constitution. 20
12. Who are the particularly vulnerable tribal groups in India? Discuss the problems faced by these
groups. 20
13. Write a note on rules of kinship, family and marriage in a matrilineal society with suitable
examples. 20
14. Examine the tribal beliefs and practices among the Gaddi and Toda communities. 20
15. Write short notes: 10+10
a. Indigenous populations
b. De-notified communities
16. Reflect on the recommendations made by the Bhuria Committee of 1994 and the Bhuria
Commission of 2002. 20
17. Write a note on the epistemology and the alternate modes of knowledge creation among tribes.
18. Critically examine the Naga Secessionist Movement. 20
19. Discuss the impact of industrialisation and globalisation on tribes. 20
20. Write short notes 10+10
a. Non-Government Organisations and Tribes
b. Pastoral Nomads
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