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BEGE-142: Understanding Drama
Assignment July, 2023 & January, 2024 Sessions


BEGE-142: Understanding Drama
Assignment July, 2023 & January, 2024 Sessions
(Based on Blocks 1 – 4)
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions.
Section A
Write short notes in about 200 words each: 2 × 5 = 10
(i) epic theatre
(ii) comedy of manners
Section B
Explain with reference to the context in 300 words each. 3 X 10 = 30
(i) Well, that’s what a war does. I had two sons,
now I got me. It changed all the tallies. In
my day when you had sons it was an honour.
(ii) For how many years have I been bearing
the burden of life! And for how many years I have
been looking after his family?
(iii) I was blessed by a blind grandmother,
A peasant, a toiler.
She imparted her strength, the strength
of our people into me.
Section C
Answer the following questions in 800 words each: 4 X 15 = 60
1. Does Kate know about Keller’s guilt in All my Sons? What is the impact of her action on
other characters?
2. Comment on the significance of time in the play The Trial of Dedan Kimathi.
3. Critically analyze the character portrayal of Mahendranath in the play Half way House.
4. Attempt a character sketch of Dedan Kimathi


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