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Course Code : MMPC-004
Course Title : Accounting for Managers
Assignment Code : MMPC-004/TMA/JULY/2022



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Course Code : MMPC-004
Course Title : Accounting for Managers
Assignment Code : MMPC-004/TMA/JULY/2022
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study
centre. (Last date of submission for July 2022 session is 31st October, 2022 and for
January 2023 session is 30th April, 2023).
1. Explain the following accounting concepts
(a) Business Entity concept
(b) Money measurement concept
(c) Continuity concept
(d) Accrual concept
2. Explain the following
(a) Marginal Costing
(b) Activity Based Costing
3. What is CVP analysis? Does it differ from break even analysis? How is break-even point
4. Explain in detail the various contents of an Annual Report.
5. From the following calculate cash from operations:
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2022
Particulars Rs. ‘000 Particulars Rs. ‘000
To Salaries 5,000 By Gross profit 25,000
To Rent 1,000 By Profit on sale of
To Depreciation 2,000 By Income-tax refund 3,000
To Loss on sale of plant 1,000
To Goodwill written off 4,000
To Proposed dividend 5,000
To Provision for tax 5,000
To Net profit 10,000
33,000 33,000


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