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TS 2: Tourism Development: Products, Operations and Case Studies
Course Code: TS-2 Programme: BTS/BATS
Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-2/ TMA/ 2024


TS 2: Tourism Development: Products, Operations and Case Studies
Course Code: TS-2 Programme: BTS/BATS
Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-2/ TMA/ 2024
Note: This TMA consists of ten questions, out of which you have to attempt any five.
The question carries 20 marks each and should be answered in about 600 words each.
Send your TMA to the coordinator of your Study Centre.
1. Describe various factors that are analyzed to study demographic profile and their
importance in tourism planning. 20
2. Write some common problems a tour operator might face while conducting a city
tour? 20
3. “Participatory tourism activity can enhance the satisfaction level of tourist”. Discuss
the statement and give suitable examples. 20
4. Discuss the importance of adventure and sports for attracting tourists. 20
5. Discuss the relationship between wild life and tourism. Elaborate upon do’s and
don’ts while visiting a sanctuary. 20
6. Write short notes on
i) Ethnic Tourism
ii) Importance of fair and festivals in tourism.
7. How the promotional activities are organized in tourism industry? Explain with
examples. 20
8. Write an essay on PATA and the Travel Mart. 20
9. What do you understand by Highway Services in tourism? Give suitable examples. 20
10. Write short notes on: 2X10=20
i) Heritage Hotels
ii) Pilgrimage Touris


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