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Rural Health Care
Course Code: RDD-6
Course Title: Rural Health Care
Assignment No.: RDD-6/AST/TMA-6/2023-2024


Rural Health Care
Course Code: RDD-6
Course Title: Rural Health Care
Assignment No.: RDD-6/AST/TMA-6/2023-2024
Note: The assignment has three sections. It contains questions, which require long, medium
and short answers. A long answer should not exceed 1000 words. Medium answers should not
exceed 500 words each. Short answers should not exceed 100 words each
Long Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 40
Attempt any One of the following
1. Discuss the landmarks in the evaluation of health care services in independent India.
2. Describe the major environmental sanitation problems in rural India.
3. Explain the main aspects related to monitoring and evaluation of health care
Medium Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 15 each
Attempt any Two of the following:
1- Define health. Describe the determinants of health.
2- Explain the brief, the health care services in Pre-independent India.
3- Explain the Reproductive and child Health (RCH) programme in India.
Short Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 6 each
Attempt any Five of the following
1. Protein Energy Malnutrition
2. National Population Policy
3. Uses of Health Information System
4. Death Rate
5. Disease Distribution
6. Secondary Prevention of Disease
7. Community Diagnosis
8. Principles of Health Education


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