HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination and Prevention
Course Code: MSWE – 001
Total Marks: 100
Note:(i) Answer all the five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii)Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each
1. Discuss need, importance and relevance of social work intervention in HIV/AIDS. 20
What are the challenges of communication in context of awareness and prevention of
HIV/AIDS in India? Elaborate with suitable examples. 20
2. Describe special issues in the context of HIV/AIDS relating to women and children. 20
Describe importance of the counseling with special reference to HIV/AIDS.. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300words each:
a) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the types of HIV testing. 10
b) Explain the stigma and discrimination attached to HIV/AIDS. 10
c) Describe the nature and importance of HIV/ AIDS counseling. 10
d) What are rights of the child suffering from HIV/AIDS? 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Discuss legal issues involved in the HIV testing. 5
b) Enlist skills of a counselor with special reference to HIV/AIDS. 5
c) Write the facts and myths associated with HIV/AIDS 5
d) Enlist various groups of children vulnerable to HIV/AIDS 5
e) Highlight the relationship between HIV and STIs. 5
f) Mention the various factors that help to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS. 5
5 Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Community Care 4
b) Support Groups 4
c) Family Support 4
d) CD4 Test 4
e) ATR 4
f) Spouse Counseling 4
g) Window Period 4
h) Palliative Car
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