(MSW(C) Second Year)
Assignment: 2024-2025
Basics of Counselling
Course Code: MSW-015
Total marks: 100
Note:(i) Answer all the five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii)Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each.
1. Describe the process of counselling? 20
Highlight role of counselling tools in successful completion of counselling process. 20
2. What is supportive psychotherapy? Discuss components and techniques of supportive
psychotherapy. 20
Describe the different models of counseling. 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:
a) Explain the essentials of counseling? 10
b) Briefly discuss on Supervision in counselling. 10
c) Describe the goals of counselling. 10
d) Discuss various aspects of play therapy with children. 10
4. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Enlist the steps in Marital Counseling? 5
b) Describe the Ethics in counseling. 5
c) Explain legal implications of counselling minors. 5
d) Highlight the major differences between counselling and psychotherapy? 5
e) What are some of the common characteristics of professional relationships? 5
f) Mention the skills required for a good counselor. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Empathy 4
b) Informed Consent 4
c) Person Centered Therapy 4
d) Transactional analysis 4
e) Concept of nature of power 4
f) Family counselling 4
g) Confidentiality 4
h) Follow Up
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