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MSO-002: Research Methodologies and Methods
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
Programme Code : MSO
Course Code : MSO-002
Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2023-24


Indira Gandhi National Open University
Core Course in M.A. Sociology
MSO-002: Research Methodologies and Methods
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
Programme Code : MSO
Course Code : MSO-002
Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2023-24
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 30%
Answer questions from both the sections.
Section –A
Answer any two of the following questions
1. Discuss the merits and limitation of field research. 25
2. What do you understand by participatory research? Explain with the help of suitable
3. Critically examine the relevance of quantitative methods of date analysis in socio logical
4. Explain case study as a method of social research. 25
5. Discuss the role of ethics in sociological research. 25
Write a research report on any one of the following topics in about 3000 words.
1. Education and social mobility in India. 50
2. Indian youth and the social media. 50
3. Street vendors and Indian society. 50
You can write this report based either on review of literature, or data collected from the primary
For review of literature you are to select either two books or four research articles published recently
on the selected topic of your choice. Write a review article focusing on the location of the study,
methodology followed and the main findings of these studies.
For the primary source you are to collect two case studies and write a report on the selected topic in a
comparative framework. While writing the report spell out clearly the objectives and the problems of
the study and
 problematise the issue within the existing/available literature,
 elaborate your observations, finding and conclusion coherently, and
 make proper referencing at the end.


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