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Communication Extension in Rural Development
Course Code: MRDE203
Course Title: Communication Extension in Rural Development
Assignment No.: MRDE203/AST/TMA5/2023-24



Communication Extension in Rural Development
Course Code: MRDE203
Course Title: Communication Extension in Rural Development
Assignment No.: MRDE203/AST/TMA5/2023-24
Note: The assignment has three sections. It contains questions, which require long, medium and short
answers. A long answer should not exceed 1000 words. Medium answers should not exceed 500 words
each. Short answers should not exceed 100 words each
Long Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 40
Attempt any One of the following
1. Explain ‘communication’ and its importance in human lives.
2. Describe the characteristics of communication that makes society functional.
3. Analyze the significance of communication and its various elements.
Medium Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 15 each
Attempt any Two of the following:
1. Discuss interpersonal strategies to rural development.
2. Discuss the role of electronic media applications in rural development
3. Briefly discuss the main functions of communication.
Short Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 6 each
Attempt any Five of the following
1. Oral Communication
2.Active Listening:
4.Communication Strategy
5.Communicating Support
6.Types of Electronic Media
7.Characteristics of Radio
8.Field- based Programme