MPA-003: Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis
Course Code: MPA003 Assignment Code:
Marks: 50
Section. You have to answer a total of five questions in about 400 words each. It is
necessary to attempt at least two questions from each Section. Each question carries
10 marks.
1) Discuss the concept of risk and bring out its various components.
2) Describe various strategies for disaster risk reduction.
3) Explain different methods of risk assessment.
4) Discuss the participatory risk assessment methods.
5) Briefly elucidate the approaches and models of vulnerability analysis
6) ‘Women are more vulnerable to disasters than men’. Elaborate with reasons.
7) Examine the causes of droughts and discuss the nature of drought management
in India.
8) Analyse the important issues in urban planning for effective disaster management.
9) ‘Disaster related problems are tackled through various strategies’. Discuss.
10) Bring out the significance of post-disaster assistance in disaster management.
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