Course Code : MMPM-008
Course Title : Rural Marketing
Assignment Code : MMPM-008/TMA/JAN/2024
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study
centre. Last date of submission for January 2024 session is 30th April, 2024 and for July
2024 session is 31st October, 2024.
1. What are the key issues and challenges that differentiate rural markets from urban markets?
2. Discuss how education and occupation affect the consumption and buying process of rural
consumers in case of:
a) Mobile Phones and internet services b) Two wheelers
3. The price/quality issue has for quite some time been a typical dilemma for markets trying to
access the rural market. Due to the low-paying capacities of the rural consumer, marketers
have typically loaded the retail points with stripped-down, lower-priced versions of the urban
brands, only to find that quite a few rural consumers are flocking to the nearby feeder town
for the products “like the urban people buy.” How do you think marketers aiming to focus on
rural markets should respond to these price/ quality issue?
4. How does the physical infrastructure affect the distribution choices available to rural
5. Write short notes on following:
a) Role of Technology in Rural marketing
b) Hierarchy of markets for rural consumers.
c) Rural start-up opportunities
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