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Course Code : MMPM-005
Course Title : Marketing of Services
Assignment Code : MMPM-005/TMA/ JULY/2023
JULY 2023- JAN 2024


Course Code : MMPM-005
Course Title : Marketing of Services
Assignment Code : MMPM-005/TMA/ JULY/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the Coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for July 2023 session is 31st October, 2023 and
for January 2024 sessions is 30th April, 2024.

1. Select any three major service sectors in India and explain their growth trends.
2. What are the implications of the concepts of adequate service, desired service, and zone
of tolerance for services for a marketer? Taking the example of an AC maintenance
service, explain the service levels and the inputs that can be drawn for the service
3. Why is word-of-mouth (both in person and online) important for service marketing? How
can a service firm encourage and manage word-of-mouth?
4. Select a service process that you are familiar with and explore at aspects where it might
be improved. Additionally, describe how automation can be utilised to manage processes
5. If you were the manager of a service firm and wanted to apply the gaps model to improve
service, which gap would you start with? Why? In what order would you proceed to close
the gaps?


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