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Course Code : MMPH-006
Course Title : Organisational Dynamics
Assignment Code : MMPH-006/TMA/Jan/2024
JAN 2024 AND JULY 2024



Course Code : MMPH-006
Course Title : Organisational Dynamics
Assignment Code : MMPH-006/TMA/Jan/2024
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for January 2024 session is 30th April, 2024
and for July 2024 session is 31st October, 2024.

1. Describe the different organizational diagnostic models both for traditional and modern
organizations. Shed light on the advantages and disadvantages for all the above models
citing relevant examples.
2. What do you understand by political behaviour? What are the various domains of
political activity? What are the tactics involved in increasing power? Give examples.
3. Why is role analysis important for an organization, list out the advantages/ importance of
this technique for the organizational climate and functioning? Also list out the limitations
of Role Analysis.
4. Argue with the help of illustrations for and against the statement: “The use of power in
organisations Bases of Power is unethical.”
5. Explain the concept of culture, and discuss the underlying assumptions citing relevant
examples. What is culture convergence, explain the dimensions which play crucial role in