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Course Code : MMPC-006
Course Title : Marketing Management
Assignment Code : MMPC-006/TMA/JULY/2023
JUOLY 2023 AND JAN 2024


Course Code : MMPC-006
Course Title : Marketing Management
Assignment Code : MMPC-006/TMA/JULY/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the Coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for July 2023 session is 31st October, 2023 and
for January 2024 sessions is 30th April, 2024.
1. a) Define the term marketing. Discuss the scope and the changing role of marketing in the
current business environment.
b) Distinguish and discuss the concept of a market Vs. concept of segment. Explain their
relationship in planning for a suitable marketing strategy.
2. a) Explain the nature and concept of a product. Discuss the criteria on which products are
classified. Explain with suitable examples.
b) What branding decisions you would consider if you agree that branding and packaging
play a vital role in today’s business environment. Explain with an example.
3. a) Define the terms advertising and sales promotions. Bring out the major differences
between these two key elements of promotion mix with suitable example.
b) Explain the term distribution and distribution management. Discuss the various types
of direct and indirect channels that you are familiar, with examples.
4. a) Distinguish product marketing from marketing of services. Explain the various
characteristics of services which make them different from tangible goods.
b) Discuss the major types of digital marketing techniques that are being used by firm’s
to enhance their visibility and business growth.


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