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Course Code : MMPC-004
Course Title : Accounting For Managers
Assignment Code : MMPC-004/TMA/JULY/2023
JULY 2023- JAN 2024


Course Code : MMPC-004
Course Title : Accounting For Managers
Assignment Code : MMPC-004/TMA/JULY/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for July 2023 session is 31st October, 2023 and
for January 2024 sessions is 30th April, 2024.
1. During the current year AB Ltd. Should a profit of Rs. 1,80,000 on a sale of Rs.
30,00,000. The various expenses were Rs. 21,00,000. You are required to calculate:
1. The break even sales at present.
2. The break even sales if variable cost increased by 55.
3. The break even sales to maintain the profit as at present, if the selling price is reduced
by 6 per cent.
2. XYZ Ltd. Is currently working at 50% capacity and produces 10,000 units. At 60%
capacity raw material cost increased by 2% and selling price falls by 2 percent. At 8%
capacity raw material cost increased by 5% and selling price falls by 5%.
At 50% capacity the product costs Rs. 180 per unit and is sold at Rs. 200 per unit. The
unit cost of Rs. 180 comprises the following.
Particular Rs.
Material 100
Wages 30
Factory overheads 30 (40% fixed)
Administrative Overheads 20 (50% fixed)
Prepare a marginal cost statement showing the estimated profit of the business when it is
operating at 60% and 80% of capacity.
3. Explain the following
(a) Business Entity Concept
(b) Accrual Concept
(c) Dual Aspect Concept
(d) Cash and Cash equivalents
4. Explain the various Financial Statements. Which are parts of the Annual Report. How
can Notes to the accounts help in better understanding of financial statements?
5. What is Human Resource Accounting? How it is used as management decision tool.


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