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Course Code : MMPC-012
Course Title : Strategic Management
Assignment Code : MMPC-012/TMA/JAN/2024
JAN 2024 AND JULY 2024


Course Code : MMPC-012
Course Title : Strategic Management
Assignment Code : MMPC-012/TMA/JAN/2024
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for January 2024 session is 30th April, 2024
and for July 2024 session is 31st October, 2024.

1. Suppose you are working in an organization and are the part of top management. How
will you set the objectives for your organization? Discuss.
2. How Industrial Organization Model (IO) forms a basis to understand the concept of
strategy leading to competitive advantage. Explain.
3. What do you understand by the competitive environment? Choose an industry and
discuss the external framework of that industry.
4. Explain the concept of fragmented industries. Choose any one fragmented industry and
explain its competitive advantage.
5. Suppose you are asked to formulate a turnaround strategy for a sick organization. Explain
the turnaround process which you will use for that organization.


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