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MJM 025: Media Ethics and Laws
Assignment 06
(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)
Assignment Code: MJM-025/ Jan.24/ July24


MJM 025: Media Ethics and Laws
Assignment 06
(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)
Assignment Code: MJM-025/ Jan.24/ July24
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 30%
Note: Answer all the questions. All questions carry equal marks = 20 each
Attempt each question in about 500 words
1. Choose a recent advertising campaign or advertisement that has garnered attention, either
positively or negatively, in terms of ethical considerations. Analyze the advertisement
using ethical frameworks such as honesty, transparency, social responsibility, and
cultural sensitivity. Discuss the potential impact of the advertisement on consumers,
society, and the brand’s reputation. (500 words)
2. Explore the concept of the Right to Information (RTI) in the context of transparency,
accountability, and democracy. Select a case study from your country or region where the
RTI has played a significant role in revealing government actions or decisions.
(500 words)
3. Examine the complex landscape of privacy in the digital age. Choose a recent case, event,
or technology development that has raised significant privacy concerns in the digital
space. Analyze the implications of this case on individuals’ digital privacy, data
protection, and online surveillance. (500 words)
4. Explore the concept of self-regulation in the media industry. Analyze a recent incident or
controversy related to media ethics, accuracy, or accountability. Examine the response of
media organizations involved in the incidence and assess the effectiveness of their selfregulation measures. Present your analysis in a well-structured essay, and propose
recommendations for enhancing self-regulation practices in the media industry.
(500 words)
5. Select a case study involving copyright issues in the realm of media, arts, or
entertainment. Reflect on the evolving nature of copyright in the digital age and its
implications for content creators, consumers, and the creative industry. Discuss the
potential reforms or alternative approaches to copyright that may better accommodate the
needs of content creators and society.


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