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Assignment 05
(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)
Assignment Code: MJM-024/ Jan.24/ July24


Assignment 05
(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)
Assignment Code: MJM-024/ Jan.24/ July24
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 30%
Note: Answer all the questions. All questions carry equal marks = 20 each
Attempt each question in about 500 words
1. Examine a recent news article and apply the core concepts of media literacy to identify
any biases, misinformation, or persuasive techniques used. How does your analysis
demonstrate the relevance of media literacy in our current media environment?
(500 words)
2. Choose a recent news article that you believe reflects the concepts and theories you have
learned about media representation as discussed in Unit 13 (5.2 Representation of Social
Identities) Conduct a critical analysis of this content, focusing on how it represents social
identities, stereotypes, and narratives. (500 words)
3. Select a current issue or topic related to development in India, as presented in the media.
Analyze how the media portrays and frames this issue, including the narratives,
perspectives, and biases it reflects. Critically evaluate the role of media in influencing
public discourse on development, and propose potential improvements or alternative
approaches to enhance the media’s role in promoting informed and balanced discussions
on development-related issues in the Indian context. (500 words)
4. Choose a specific case or incident where media and human rights intersect, either
globally or within your country. Analyze the role of media in reporting, advocating for,
or potentially violating human rights in this context. (500 words)
5. Examine the influence and impact of global media organizations on cultural imperialism.
Select a specific global media conglomerate or platform (e.g., a major news network,
streaming service, or social media platform) and analyze its role in shaping cultural
narratives and values around the world.


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