MJM-021: Reporting Techniques
Assignment 02
(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)
Assignment Code: MJM-021/ Jan.24/ July24
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 30%
Note: Answer all the questions. All questions carry equal marks = 20 each
Attempt each question in about 500 words
1. How is the digital transformation affecting traditional businesses in India? Write a feature
article that explores the challenges and innovations experienced by these businesses as
they navigate the shift to digital. Include case studies or interviews to provide a human
angle to the story. (500 words)
2. Examine the concept of climate justice and its relevance in the Indian context. Write an
article that discusses how climate change disproportionately affects different
communities within India, and analyze the efforts being made towards achieving climate
justice. Include case studies and expert opinions to illustrate the challenges and potential
solutions. (500 words)
3. Develop a news story that highlights a current issue or development in the field of mental
health. How does your story convey the significance of this issue to the general public,
and what are the broader implications for society? (500 words)
4. On the basis of the unit ‘Research for Journalistic Writing’, use the various methods and
tools of journalistic research to write an explainer on a religious issue that has been
recently in the news. (500 words)
5. Craft a comment piece on the evolving landscape of the Indian entertainment industry,
focusing on the rise of web series and digital streaming platforms. Discuss the cultural
and economic implications of this change, including its impact on storytelling,
representation, and viewer habits.
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