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MEG – 05
Literary Criticism & Theory
ASSIGNMENT 2023 – 2024
Based on Blocks (1 – 8)


MEG – 05
Literary Criticism & Theory
ASSIGNMENT 2023 – 2024
Based on Blocks (1 – 8)
Max. Marks: 100
Answer all questions.
1. Why does Plato want the artists to be kept away from the ideal state? Discuss.

2. Examine the purpose spontaneity, emotions and personality serve in Wordsworth’s
theory of poetry.

3. Write short notes on the following: 4 x 5 = 20
a) Peripetia
(b) Sphota
(c) Class ideology
(d) Poetic Diction
4. Discuss briefly, the ideas of Marx and Engels on class relations.
5. Comment on Mary Wollstonecraft’s contributions to the rights of women.


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