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Course Code : CIT-001
Course Title : Fundamentals of Computer Systems
Assignment Number : CIT/CIT-001/ASSIGN/2023-24


Course Code : CIT-001
Course Title : Fundamentals of Computer Systems
Assignment Number : CIT/CIT-001/ASSIGN/2023-24
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Dates for Submission : 31st October, 2023 (For July, 2023 Session)
15th April, 2024 (For January, 2024 Session)
There are four questions in this assignment, which carry 25 marks. Answer all
the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the
explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in
the CIT Programme Guide. The examples, whenever asked to be given, should
be different from those that are discussed in the corresponding course material.
Question 1:

(a) What is a computer system? Explain central processing unit (CPU) of computer
system. (4 marks)
(b) What is storage devices? Briefly explain the various types of storage devices.
(2 marks)
Question 2:
(a) What is Software? Explain job of operating system. (3 marks)
(b) What is a Flowchart? How to draw Flowchart? Explain with the help of an
example. (3 marks)
(c) Write a C program for finding whether a given number is even or odd.
(2 marks)
Question 3:
(a) What is computer network? Write classification of networks with illustration.

(b) Explain following network devices: (2 marks)
i. Bridge ii. Repeater
ii. Switch iv. Router

(c) What is network topology? Explain star and mesh topology with the help of
suitable diagrams. (2 marks)
Question 4:
(a) Explain use of Firewall and Packet Filtering. (3 marks)
(b) What is need of Network Security? Explain Integrity, Confidentiality and
Availability in relation to Information Security. (2 marks)


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