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CHR-11 Human Rights in India Tutor Marked
Assignment (January 2024 July 2024)
Course Code: CHR-11
Assignment Code: CHR-11/January 2024 and July 2024



CHR-11 Human Rights in India Tutor Marked
Assignment (January 2024 July 2024)
Course Code: CHR-11
Assignment Code: CHR-11/January 2024 and July 2024
Total Marks: 100
Answer any 10 questions. Each question carries 10 marks
1. Critically analyse the various rights contained in the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.
2. Critically evaluate the key principles of the Convention on the Rights of Child, 1989.
3. Who are called refugees? What are the Rights available to them.
4. Discuss the role of the treaty based machinery for the implementation of human rights. How
far they have been successful in protecting human rights.
5. Discuss the contribution of Human Rights Committee in the field of human rights.
6. Write a note on Human Rights and Natural Rights
7. Discuss the contribution made by the Vienna Congress (1993) in the area of human rights.
8. Discuss the challenges posed to the human rights by Terrorism.
9. What do you understand by the term Self-determination? Discuss the provisions contained
in the U.N. Charter regarding the right of self-determination.
10. Who are called Indigenous People? Discuss the challenges faced by them to their human
11. Write a note on Committee Against Torture
12. Discuss the contribution of Human rights Watch in the field of Human Rights


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