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Course Code: DECE-2
Assignment Code: DECE-2/TMA-2/2024
Total Marks: 100
Late date of submission of assignment to the study
centre: 30th September 2024 for January 2024 session
30th March 2025 for July 2024 session


VAAssignment 2
(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: DECE-2
Assignment Code: DECE-2/TMA-2/2024
Total Marks: 100
Late date of submission of assignment to the study
centre: 30th September 2024 for January 2024 session
30th March 2025 for July 2024 session
All three sections – A, B and C of this assignment are compulsory.
Answer all questions of Section A
1. Explain how the concept of health has changed over the years and describe its
2. List the major sources and functions of any two vitamins and two minerals.
60 marks
(500 words) (5 marks).
(800 words; 12 Marks = 3 marks per nutrient)
3. Suggest a balanced day’s menu for a 3 year old child, stating what the child will eat at breakfast,
mid morning, lunch, mid-afternoon and dinner. Also state what nutrient the toddler will get from
each food item mentioned in the menu at different times in the day.
(500 words; 5 marks per meal = 20).
4. Write about the immediate care of a newborn and minor disorders. (300 + 300 words) 3+3= 6
5. Explain how to use mid upper arm circumference for growth monitoring
(500 words each; 5 marks).
6. Write about any one food supplementation programme
(400 words; 4 marks)
Write about the symptoms, causes and treatment of any two of the following:
(300 words each; 4 x2 = 8 marks)
a. Scabies
b. Earache
20 Marks
In this Section you have to do either Exercise 2 or Exercise 3 given in the Practical Manual of this
Course, i.e. DECE-2.
It would be useful for you to do both these Practical Exercises. You can then choose the exercise which
you feel you have done the best and submit it for evaluation.
The details of these exercises have been described in the Practical Manual. Read each exercise carefully
and do the exercise as indicated. The marks for the various components of each exercise have been
mentioned in the Manual itself. Incase the total marks for an Exercise are more than 20 in the practical
manual, the evaluator will grade the exercise and convert the total marks from 20.
20 Marks
In this Section you are required to do any one Exercise out of Exercise 5, 6 or 7 given in the
Practical Manual of this Course, i.e. DECE-2.
It would be useful for you to do both these practical exercises. You can then choose the exercise which
you feel you have done the best and submit it for evaluation.
The details of these exercises have been described in the Practical Manual. Read each exercise carefully
and do the exercise as indicated. The marks for the various components of each exercise have been
mentioned in the Manual itself. Incase the total marks for an Exercise are more than 20 in the practical
manual, the evaluator will grade the exercise and convert the total marks from 20.


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