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Assignment for TEE December 2023 and June 2024
Western Philosophy: Modern


Assignment for TEE December 2023 and June 2024
Western Philosophy: Modern
1. Give Answer of all five questions.
2. All five questions carry equal marks
3. Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 400 words each.
1. Write a note on the salient features of Modern western philosophy. 20
What is Kant’s view on the Nature of Knowledge? Explain and analyze. 20
2. Explain and analyze Descartes mind-body dualism. 20
How does Descartes prove the existence of the External world? 20
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each. 2*10= 20
a) What is the idea of causality? How does Hume criticize the idea of causation? 10
b) Compare Spinoza’s idea of Substance with Descartes’ and Locke’s idea of Substance. 10
c) What are Innate Ideas? How Locke criticizes the concept of innate ideas? 10
d) Explain briefly the significance of Pre-established harmony in Leibniz’s philosophy.10
4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each. 4*5= 20
a) How does Locke distinguish between intuitive and demonstrative knowledge? 5
b) Examine Berkley’s refutation of materialism. 5
c) “Thoughts without content are empty and intuitions without concepts are blind.” Explain
this dictum of Kant. 5
d) How does Spinoza prove that God is the only independent substance? 5
e) Write a note on the idea of pre-established harmony. 5
f) Write a short note on the Locke’s representative theory of perception. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each. 5*4= 20
a) Alienated Labour 4
b) Enlightenment 4
c) Synthetic A-priori and Analytic A-priori 4
d) Tabula rasa 4
e) Descartes’s Scientific Method 4
f) Cogito, ergo sum 4
g) Hegel’s idea of Absolute Truth 4
h) The Intellectual love for God


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