Tutor Marked Assignments
Course Code: BESC-132
Assignment Code: BESC-132 /TMA /July 2022 and January 2023
Total Marks: 100
There are three Assignments. All questions are compulsory. Total marks of the assignment
questions are 100.
Assignment A
Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.
Answer the following questions in about 500 words each. 2×20=40
1. What are various fundamental rights given to citizens in India in the Constitution of
India? Which among these facilitates ensuring the right to education and how?
2. What do you mean by Total Quality Management (TQM)? Suggest the ways to ensure
TQM in higher educational institutions.
Answers the following questions in about 250 words each. 4×12=48
3. How has the recommendations of the National Knowledge Commission (NKC) helped in
shaping the new structure of higher education in India? Explain critically.
4. Critically examine and compare the role and functions of CBSE and your state board of
5. Explain various types of higher education institutions in India?
6. Discuss the factors contributing to the growth of private participation in education?
Answer the following questions in about 125 words each. 2×6=12
7. Discuss the role and functions of District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs).
8. What are the objectives of the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF)? Discuss.
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