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Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids
Core Course in Biochemistry
Course Code: BBCCT-109
Assignment code: BBCCT-109/TMA/2022-2023

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Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids
Core Course in Biochemistry
Course Code: BBCCT-109
Assignment code: BBCCT-109/TMA/2022-2023
Maximum marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
Write the answers in your own words; do not copy from the course material.
PART-(A) Marks: 50
1. Define the terms: (5X2= 10)
(a) Autotrophs
(b) Amphibolic reactions
(c) Fermentation
(d) Primary metabolic pathways
(e) Anabolism
2. (a) Explain metabolism and write its functions. (2+3)
(b) What is substrate level phosphorylation? Write reactions of glycolysis in which substrate level
phosphorylation takes place. (5)
3. (a) With the help of a neatly labeled diagram, explain different steps of TCA cycle and its
significance. (5)
(b) Describe the coordinated regulation of TCA and glyoxylate cycles. (5)
4. (a) Describe the process of glycogenesis. (5)
(b) What are glycogen storage diseases? Explain any two. (5)

5. (a) Explain the mechanisms involved in concentration of CO2 in C4 plants and indicate the relevance of
these adaptations for plant growth (5)
(b) Compare the characteristics of C3, C4 and CAM plants (5)
PART- (B) Marks: 50
6. (a) How are fatty acids activated and transported to the site of their oxidation? (5)

(b) Define ketogenesis, is it a normal, physiological process? Explain why it goes up in conditions of
starvation and uncontrolled diabetes? (5)
7. (a) How does β oxidation of fatty acids in peroxisomes different from that occurring in mitochondria?
(b) Illustrate organization of various domains of animal fatty acid synthase and write their activities.
8. (a) Explain the allosteric resgulation of fatty acid biosynthesis. (5)
(b) Write the role of various lipoproteins in lipid transport. (5)
9. (a) What are the four different pathways of TAG synthesis? Explain any one. (5)
(b) How is cholesterol biosynthesis regulated? (5)
10. (a) Which is the major phospholipid present in human lung surfactant and how is it synthesized?
(b) Name the lipid that accumulates in Faber’s disease and Tay-Sach’s disease. Explain the signs and
symptoms of these diseases.


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