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Cell Biology
Course Code: BBCCT-103
Assignment code: BBCCT-103/TMA/2024



Cell Biology
Course Code: BBCCT-103
Assignment code: BBCCT-103/TMA/2024
Maximum marks:100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
PART-(A) Maximum marks: 50
1. (a) Explain the cell theory. [5]
(b) What are experimental models? Give any two examples along with their specific features. [5]

2. (a) Explain the structural organisation of eukaryotic cells with suitable diagram. [5]
(b) What is tissue fixation? Why it is necessary in microscopy. [5]
3. (a) Write the principle and application of Light microscopy. [5]
(b) Differentiate between confocal microscopy and phase contrast microscopy. [5]

4. (a) Describe the different rotors used in centrifugation. [5]
(b) Explain why mitochondria is called the power house of cell. [5]
5. Write short notes on the following: [5+5=10]
(a Nuclear envelop
(b) Role of actin filament
PART-(B) Maximum marks: 50
6. Describe the Mitochondrial protein import machinery. [10]
7. Discuss how proteins modify within the Golgi Body with the help of suitable diagram. [10]
8. (a) Describe the protein transport pathway of thylakoid lumen with the help of labelled diagram. [10]
9. (a) How does a cell prepare to divide during Interphase? Explain. [5]
(b) State the role of cyclin in cell cycle regulation. [5]
10. Write short notes on the following: [5+5=10]
(a) Salient features of transformed cells
(b) Fluorescence Activated Cell sorting (FACS)


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