Course Code: BGGET-142
Assignment Code: BGGET-142/TMA/2024
Maximum Marks: 100
All Questions are compulsory and carries 10 marks each.
1. Describe the relationship between economics and economic geography.
2. What is resource management? Discuss in detail the three components of effective
resource management plans.
3. What is dairy farming? Discuss in detail the distribution of dairy farming in the world
with suitable examples.
4. Write a detailed account on trade blocs of the world.
All Questions are compulsory and carries 10 marks each.
5. Write a detailed account on spatial division of labour by citing suitable examples.
6. What are wood products? Describe in detail the four major uses of wood products with
suitable examples.
7. Write a detailed account on cement industry with suitable examples.
Write Short notes on the following. Each question carries 5 marks.
a) Economic geography and spatial science
b) Economic indicators
c) Integrated natural resource management
d) Underground mining
e) Food processing industry
f) Economic distance
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