Course Code: BGGCT-132
Assignment Code: BGGCT-132/TMA/2024
Maximum Marks: 100
All Questions are compulsory and carry 10 marks each.
1. Discuss evolution of human geography with major developments in three different periods.
2. Explain various approaches to study human geography with reference to Determinism,
Possibilism and Neo-Determinism.
3. Critically discuss Demographic Transition Theory.
4. Give detailed explanation of internal structure of cities with appropriate diagram.
All Questions are compulsory and carry 10 marks each.
5. Discuss the religious composition and spatial distribution of major religions in India.
6. Write a detailed note on language family based linguistic regions with the distribution of
language family wise major languages in India.
7. Discuss major problems of urban growth and their associated factors with suitable
All Questions are compulsory and carry 5 marks each.
8. Write Short notes on the following:
a) Nature and perspectives of human geography
b) Human adaptation in hot and cold regions
c) Racial elements of population in India
d) Age-sex composition with progressive and regressive population
e) Economic and social consequences of migration
f) Types of rural settlements
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