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Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Course Code: MRDE-004
Course Title: Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Assignment No.: MRDE-004/AST/TMA-10/2023-2024


Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Course Code: MRDE-004
Course Title: Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Assignment No.: MRDE-004/AST/TMA-10/2023-2024
Note: The assignment has three sections. It contains questions, which require long, medium
and short answers. A long answer should not exceed 1000 words. Medium answers should not
exceed 500 words each. Short answers should not exceed 100 words each
Long Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 40
Attempt any One of the following
1. Discuss the steps for setting up an enterprise to ensure its success.
2. What are the major characteristics of entrepreneurship? Discuss any one of the theories
on entrepreneurship.
3. Examine the unfavourable conditions prevalent in the evolution of Indian
entrepreneurship during the colonial period.
Medium Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 15 each
Attempt any Two of the following:
1. What is primary market research? Discuss the different ways it can be conducted.
2. Identify various sources of funds for rural entrepreneurs.
3. Explain the important features of market economy.
Short Answers Questions Maximum Marks: 6 each
Attempt any Five of the following
2. Private Limited Company
3. Land Development Banks
4. Team Work
5. Swadeshi Movement
6. Rural Enterprise
7. Advantages of Partnership
8. Industrial Revolution


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