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Tutor Marked Assignments
BCHCT-135: Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry
& Functional Group Organic Chemistry-II
Core Course in Chemistry
Course Code: BCHCT-135
Assignment Code: BCHCT-135/TMA/2024


Tutor Marked Assignments
BCHCT-135: Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry
& Functional Group Organic Chemistry-II
Core Course in Chemistry
Course Code: BCHCT-135
Assignment Code: BCHCT-135/TMA/2024
PART-(A) (50)
1. Discuss the fractional distillation for a mixture of benzene and toluene using a suitable
2. (a)
Give the thermodynamic derivation of distribution law.
Write any two applications of solvent extraction.
3. (a)
Derive the expression for distribution coefficient when the solute dissociates is one of
the solvents.
Differentiate between true, metastable and unstable equilibria giving suitable
4. (a)
State Gibbs phase rule and give its mathematical form.
How many components are there in the following systems? Briefly discuss.
CaO + CO2
+ H2O
5. (a)
Calculate the maximum number of phases and maximum number of degrees of
freedom that
Can exist for a one-component system.
When is a system called invariant? Illustrate with an example.
6. Draw and explain the phase diagram of sulphur. (5)
7. (a)
Define conductivity. Give its SI units.
List various factors on which the conductivity of electrolytic solutions depends.
8. Draw and explain the conductometric titration curves for the titration of the following:
(i) HCl vs NaOH
(ii) CH3COOH vs NaOH
9. (a)
List the functions of a salt bridge.
What are the conditions which a reversible cell should satisfy.
10. (a)
What is an electrolyte concentration cell? Write the expression for Ecell for such a
Write the reactions occurring at electrodes in the electrolysis of water. Why are a few
drops of conc. H2SO4 added in this process?
PART-(B) (50)
11. Discuss the two methods of decarboxylation of carboxylic acids and comment on the nature
of products formed.
12. How can you propane the following compound starting from ethanoyl chloride? (5)
– C – OH
(iii) CH3CHO
13. Briefly explain Hofmann elimination. Also give the importance of this reaction. (5)
14. Differentiate between Sandmeyer reaction and Gattermann reaction giving suitable
15. Discuss the Hinsberg test for distinguishing primary, secondary and tertiary amines. (5)
16. (a)
Discuss the preparation of 2-aminobutanoic acid using Strecker synthesis.
What is cope elimination? Give reaction.
17. (a)
Briefly explain this general structure and classification of peptides.
What is bradykinin? Give its role?
18. How is C-terminal indentified in a peptide or a protein? Discuss. (5)
19. (a)
Explain the cyctic hemiacetal formation by glucose.
Explain mutarotation in glucose.
20. Discuss the important features of structure of cellulose giving suitable diagram. (5)


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