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Hormone: Biochemistry and function
Core Course in Biochemistry
Course Code: BBCCT-119
Assignment code: BBCCT-119/TMA/2024


Hormone: Biochemistry and function
Core Course in Biochemistry
Course Code: BBCCT-119
Assignment code: BBCCT-119/TMA/2024
Maximum marks: 100
Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
Write the answers in your own words; do not copy from the course material.
PART-(A) Marks: 50
1. Name the endocrine gland, target organs and functions of the following hormones in brief:
(5X2= 10)
(a) Thyroid stimulating hormone
(b) Oxytocin
(c) Melatonin
(d) Gastrin
(e) Cholecystokinin
2. (a) Explain different modes of cell-cell signaling. (5)
(b) What is the relation of hypothalamus with development of neurogenic diabetes inspidus and
hypopituitarism. (5)
3. (a) Describe the anatomy of anterior pituitary gland.. (5)
(b) Explain the role of iodine in synthesis of thyroid hormones. (5)
4. (a) What are the three phases of reproductive cycle? Explain the role of various hormones during these
different phases (10)

5. (a) Write secretory cells and primary action of the following growth factors:
(i) EGF and (ii) PDGF (5)
(b) Expand the acronym EPO. Explain its functions and applications. (5)

PART- (B) Marks: 50
6. (a) What is the difference between osteomalacia and osteoporosis in terms of cause and symptoms of
the disease. (5)
(b) What is calcitonin? How does it decrease the concentration of blood calcium?
7. (a) Explain the structure of pancreas with focus on endocrine function. (5)
(b) Write functions and regulation of glucagon. (5)
8. (a) Write two functions each of adiponectin, leptin, ghrelin and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).
9. (a) Name different anatomical regions and their hormone secretion of adrenal gland.(5)
(b) Explain the structure of intracellular receptors. Give any two examples of intracellular receptors. (5)
10. (a) Write a brief notes on
(i) tyrosine kinases and (ii) receptor regulation (2X5=10)


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