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Course Code : MMPO-001
Course Title : Operations Research
Assignment Code : MMPO-001/TMA/ JULY/2023
JULY 2023-JAN2024


Course Code : MMPO-001
Course Title : Operations Research
Assignment Code : MMPO-001/TMA/ JULY/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the Coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for July 2023 session is 31st October, 2023 and
for January 2024 session is 30th April 2024.
1. Define Operations Research? Describe the main characteristics of Operations Research.
Discuss the significance and scope of Operations Research in modern management.
2. What is dynamic programming? Discuss the applications of dynamic programming in
decision-making. How is this different from linear programming? Explain.
3. Write a short note on the following.
a. Saddle point in Game theory.
b. Assignment problem.
c. Monte Carlo Simulation.
d. Sensitivity Analysis in linear programming.
4. What is a queue? What are the basic elements of queues? Explain the basic queuing process
and its applications in industrial management.
5. What is a transportation problem? What are the various methods for finding the Initial Basic
Feasible Solution (IBFS)? Explain the steps involved in Vogel’s Approximation Method


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